Board Member

Nick Pinkston

Founder & CEO, Volition

Current Home
San Francisco, CA
New Castle, PA

Housing story

When I moved from Pittsburgh, PA to San Francisco at 25 to pursue my dreams, my rent tripled. I spent most of my savings, and it was hard to survive until I got on my feet. Since then, housing costs have more than doubled yet again, which would’ve made it impossible for me, were I 25 now. When I see people struggling on the street, I think about how close we all are to losing our homes. It reminds me daily that something must be done and that there is no time to waste.


In 2018, Nick fundraised to help Josh Harder (D) flip the CA-10 US House seat. Energized by this win, he turned his attention closer to his home of San Francisco. Having built a factory in the city, Nick knew firsthand the punishing impact of the local building regulations, and the burden that expensive housing and limited transit put on his production staff, not to mention most residents of the city. He got involved with YIMBY Action after seeing them effectively build a movement to make change. Nick brings his deep network in the tech and manufacturing communities into the movement to make better, more affordable, and equitable cities across America.

Why Housing Matters

I believe in the “housing theory of everything.” Housing affordability is the key driver of affordability and inequality in America. People want to move to cities for opportunity and quality of life, but cities aren’t prepared for this. Navigating this change well will be key to building a brighter future for everyone in our country.

Why I Support YIMBY

After looking across many organizations I could be involved with, I kept being drawn to YIMBY Action because they were doing the hard work of building a broad movement and had a clear strategy to win. The more I’ve been involved with the organization, the more I’m impressed with their vision and execution in the very complex and tough environment of urban politics.