West Coast Chapter Manager

Lucy Carlson-Krakoff

Lucy headshot
Current Home
Boulder, CO
Boulder, CO

Housing story

Lucy lives with a permanent disability that often leads people experiencing it to be housing insecure or unhoused. She feels fortunate to have abundant resources and fights for abundant housing so that people with disabilities like her can survive and thrive.


Lucy became involved in local housing politics and action in her hometown of Boulder, Colorado in 2020 when she volunteered on several local ballot initiatives and pro-housing city council candidate campaigns. She has worked as a Field Organizer on Senator Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 presidential campaign, where she was motivated by policies such as implementing a wealth tax that would ensure housing for all Americans. Before joining YIMBY Action, Lucy most recently held a position at Community Foundation Boulder County where she focused on philanthropy specifically in the Boulder region. She speaks fluent Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, and looks forward to using language skills to include all in the pro-housing movement.