Blog Submissions

Blog Submissions

Thank you for your interest in YIMBY Action’s blog! Please read these guidelines carefully before submitting your written work.

What do we publish?

We provide a space for advocates and organizers to share their stories and experiences, explain housing policy, and showcase wins across the country. We aim to empower and equip YIMBYs with the tools and inspiration you need to create housing abundance and affordability in your communities. If you have a story or expertise that will help achieve these goals, we want to hear from you!

Note that we are unable to publish every submission. Our team reviews all content and makes selections based on several factors, including whether or not a topic fits our mission, vision, and policy priorities. We also consider how relevant the topic is to our audience and how it may contribute to our organizational goals.

Please only submit content that has not been published elsewhere. If you have submitted the content to other publications, please let us know in your submission form.

Who reads our blog?

Advocates and organizers across the country look to this blog for updates, inspiration, and educational resources. Policymakers, journalists, and academics also frequent our site and are welcome to submit content as well.

Audience and writing style

Avoid jargon

Our audience has a wide range of experiences and backgrounds. To reach and engage as many advocates as possible, avoid using jargon and technical language whenever possible. If it’s not possible to avoid using jargon or technical language, be sure to define/explain it!

Consider your audience

Write for your intended audience. Think about what they would find valuable, educational, or inspirational in their own work or advocacy. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself how you can add value.

Keep it short

Keep it short and to the point. Our advocates are looking for quick ways to engage in the pro-housing movement. Lead with your main point and try to keep your content under 1,000 words. For explainers or other technical topics, blogs may reach as many as 2,000 words. However, this should be done sparingly.

In Summary

The most successful blog posts contain:

  • Original concepts and compelling arguments.
  • Unique style and personality—talk about your experiences!
  • Recent data (data should be no more than five years old).

Editorial Discretion

All content decisions are at YIMBY Action’s discretion.

This means we reserve the right to:

  • Edit and adapt your content for search optimization, accuracy, comprehensiveness, and new information/research.
  • Include calls to action that are relevant to YIMBY Action’s audience, including but not limited to action alerts and membership.
  • Use your photo across YIMBY Action’s platforms (e.g. social media, email, and Slack).
  • Remove your post from the website at any time.

Thank you for your interest in YIMBY Action’s blog! We look forward to hearing from you.