Santa Clara County

Santa Clara County

Santa Clara County is an international innovation hub, but is stuck in car-oriented land use policies from the 1950’s. A tradition of prioritizing spaces for cars instead of places for human beings has had devastating consequences: oppressive traffic, rampant displacement, and families forced to live in vehicles. It’s time to redesign cities to get our neighbors out of cars—and into homes in walkable, welcoming neighborhoods.

South Bay YIMBY and Peninsula for Everyone collaborated to vet candidates from Gilroy to Palo Alto and are excited to support pro-housing challengers and incumbents throughout the county.

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

California State-wide Offices

Rob Bonta for California Attorney General

California State Assembly

Marc Berman

Alex Lee

Ash Kalra

Evan Low

Gail Pellerin

Robert Rivas

Local Races

Raul Peralez

Endorsement Explanations

California State-wide Offices


California Attorney General

Rob Bonta for California Attorney General

Rob Bonta has brought an unprecedented passion for enforcing state housing law to the Attorney General’s office. His leadership of the Housing Accountability Unit and his dedication to protecting pro-housing legislation from NIMBY nonsense has earned him the title Housing Champion.

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

California State Assembly


California State Assembly District 23

Marc Berman

Marc Berman is a proud, full-throated supporter of landmark housing legislation to end exclusionary zoning. With roots in Palo Alto, Assemblymember Berman understands that it is not sustainable for communities to keep saying ‘no’ to new housing as the housing crisis continues. Assemblymember Berman believes in supporting cities to build the homes their communities so desperately need.

Assemblymember Berman has supported and co-authored bills that generate new funding for affordable housing, that streamline the approval process of certain urban infill projects, and that set baseline standards for zoning. With his in-depth technical expertise and legislative skill, Assemblymember Berman is helping the state make huge strides in ending the housing crisis.

Endorsing chapters
  • Peninsula for Everyone
  • South Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 24

Alex Lee

Alex Lee is one of only two renters serving in the California State Assembly, and his commitment to advocating for those most damaged by the housing shortage is second to none. As a strong supporter of every major pro-housing bill, every major push for tenant protections, and every effort to increase funding for affordable housing, Assemblymember Lee has been a steadfast housing champion.

Alex has supported upzoning bills like SB 50 and SB 9, while also authoring legislation to enable Social Housing and fighting to curb Ellis Act evictions. Assemblymember Lee is a legislator that truly supports “all of the above” solutions and proves that “both-and” can be more than just rhetoric.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • East Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 25

Ash Kalra

Ash Kalra has been a consistent progressive vote for housing and tenant protections. His strong public support of bills such as SB 9, AB 1401 and co-authoring of SB50 and AB 854 highlight his strong positions on housing. As a member of the Committee on Housing and Community Development, Ash Kalra has relentlessly pushed for housing. He is more than willing to publicly call out local governments who operate with bad faith housing actions as examples of why strong state action is a required part of the solution for our housing crisis.

As a strong champion of justice, equity & progressive policies, YIMBY Action values Ash Karla’s well versed intersectional views of housing in relation to public health outcomes, transportation, racial justice, climate change and more. His championing of resources for the unhoused population highlights how he goes above and beyond to center those most affected by our housing crisis.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 26

Evan Low

Evan Low has tremendously flexed his housing muscles by supporting SB 50, SB9, SB10, AB 1401 and virtually every housing bill that has come his way in the past several years. His solid voting record, and partnership with local housing organizations in his district—such as Cupertino for All–demonstrates a willingness to be a champion, despite representing a district that includes the traditionally housing-adverse communities of Cupertino, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Willow Glen, and Campbell.

YIMBYs should work to elect more legislators like Evan–those willing to take risks, while also having difficult, culturally-sensitive conversations with their constituents.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 28

Gail Pellerin

Gail Pellerin is new to housing, but is fired up about building an inclusive California with housing for all. Gail has cited tackling our housing shortage as a top legislative priority. She is committed to finding policy solutions to create more housing for the middle class, increase funding for low-income and supportive housing, and improve public transit and active transportation infrastructure to make our cities more climate friendly.

“The good news for the pro-housing movement is that the tide is turning. People are realizing that the fabric of our community is determined by housing. If we want to support the teachers, the people who work in our community, we need to make serious policy changes and build more homes.”
Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 29

Robert Rivas

Assemblymember Robert Rivas is a true housing champion in the legislature. He has sponsored numerous YIMBY Action priority bills including SB 9 and SB 50 and has advanced other bills related to zoning reform, permit streamlining, and increasing funding for affordable housing. He is deeply committed to safe, affordable housing for all of his constituents from middle class families to farmworkers.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY

Local Races



Raul Peralez

Raul Peralez has proven himself to be a strong housing champion by supporting abundant housing at all income levels. Peralez believes every city, not just San Jose, needs to do its part to meet the needs of their communities to create more inclusive communities.

Councilmember Peralez was champion for Opportunity Housing and is the only mayoral candidate that proudly supports SB9. Both of these policies eliminate the racist and exclusionary single family zoning that continues to segrate the city today.

During his 8 year term on the city council, Councilmember Peralez and his pregnant wife faced an owner move-in eviction. This has shaped his strong belief of tenant’s right to council for low income individuals, tenant protections and his vision to ensure future San Jose communities can continue to call San Jose home.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY

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