Orange County

Orange County

Orange County is the third most populous county in California with multiple employment centers, beach-front communities, and quick access to the mountains. Long-time residents and high income professionals enjoy a great quality of life, but for young adults and service sector workers, Orange County is a hard place to make it. The housing shortage is a direct result of our collective refusal to allow for the construction of enough housing at all income levels to meet the needs of the growing population. This refusal has led to long commutes from the Inland Empire, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and development on the urban fringe where fires threaten life and property.

To create strong, vibrant communities, we need council members who will start from yes: Yes to affordable housing for seniors, yes to workforce housing for families, yes to townhomes and condos for first time home buyers, and yes to apartments for mobile professionals. People for Housing OC has endorsed these candidates for their vision of inclusive communities with housing opportunities across the full spectrum of affordability. Orange County will continue to thrive only if we make it possible for future generations to live here. These are the people who will make that happen.

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

California State-wide Offices

Rob Bonta for California Attorney General

California State Senate

Catherine Blakespear

California State Assembly

Sharon Quirk-Silva

Endorsement Explanations

California State-wide Offices


California Attorney General

Rob Bonta for California Attorney General

Rob Bonta has brought an unprecedented passion for enforcing state housing law to the Attorney General’s office. His leadership of the Housing Accountability Unit and his dedication to protecting pro-housing legislation from NIMBY nonsense has earned him the title Housing Champion.

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

California State Senate


CA State Senate District 38

Catherine Blakespear

While she has not taken a position on prior state housing legislation, Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear shows an understanding of the need to move California forward towards a better future of abundant housing. When the statewide NIMBY ballot measure “Our Neighborhood Voices” came before her at city council in a resolution of support, Mayor Blakespear voted no. She has also spoken out publicly about the problems with local “ballot box zoning” measures. Coming into compliance with state housing goals has been a struggle for Encinitas, but Mayor Blakespear has pushed for compliance with State housing law and achieving housing goals for the region’s communities. In a challenging district, she is the pro-housing candidate and shows an openness to increased state action for housing. She says:

"I believe we need to create more housing for people at all income levels, especially people at low and very-low income levels. I want to increase the supply of affordable housing, especially near current and future transit centers. We should also use our obligation to build housing as an opportunity to plan for the communities we want to live in 30 years from now, and that means funding transportation projects that connect people and give them the option to take public transit instead of relying on cars."

California State Assembly



Sharon Quirk-Silva

From her years as a public school teacher, Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva has seen the impacts of housing instability and homelessness on kids and families. As the parent of young adults, she knows the challenge of launching them into independence when there is no affordable place for young professionals just starting out. These experiences have made Sharon Quirk-Silva a true champion for housing! She states:

I’m proud of my voting record to create more housing, while acknowledging much more needs to be done. We need a variety of different types of housing, to serve the needs of California’s different families, and different solutions to create them. Addressing California’s statewide housing crises is simply too important to do anything less.

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