California State Pro-Housing Voter Guide

California State Pro-Housing Voter Guide

For June 2022 Primaries

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

Endorsement Explanations

California State-wide Offices


California Attorney General

Rob Bonta for California Attorney General

Rob Bonta has brought an unprecedented passion for enforcing state housing law to the Attorney General’s office. His leadership of the Housing Accountability Unit and his dedication to protecting pro-housing legislation from NIMBY nonsense has earned him the title Housing Champion.

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

California State Senate



Dave Jones

“We are suffering from a major supply shortage of market rate and affordable housing in this region and state. You have only to drive a short distance anywhere in our community to see the extent to which homelessness has increased. It is important that we provide shelter for everyone, as well as mental health and substance abuse treatment for those who need that assistance. And that we provide affordable housing to meet the needs of those with lower incomes. We also need more market rate housing generally, both single family and multifamily housing, as the lack of housing generally has also contributed to rising home and rental costs which are pricing many members of the community out of the market, particularly young people.”

CA State Senate District 10

Aisha Wahab

Aisha Wahab is a strong advocate for Affordable Housing, streamlining housing permitting and making sure cities hit their state-mandated minimum housing goals (RHNA).

“California’s housing shortage requires action today. We must streamline the process of being able to build in every city, building homes for everyone in every community. This is especially important in wealthy, high opportunity communities.”
Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
  • South Bay YIMBY

CA State Senate District 38

Catherine Blakespear

While she has not taken a position on prior state housing legislation, Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear shows an understanding of the need to move California forward towards a better future of abundant housing. When the statewide NIMBY ballot measure “Our Neighborhood Voices” came before her at city council in a resolution of support, Mayor Blakespear voted no. She has also spoken out publicly about the problems with local “ballot box zoning” measures. Coming into compliance with state housing goals has been a struggle for Encinitas, but Mayor Blakespear has pushed for compliance with State housing law and achieving housing goals for the region’s communities. In a challenging district, she is the pro-housing candidate and shows an openness to increased state action for housing. She says:

"I believe we need to create more housing for people at all income levels, especially people at low and very-low income levels. I want to increase the supply of affordable housing, especially near current and future transit centers. We should also use our obligation to build housing as an opportunity to plan for the communities we want to live in 30 years from now, and that means funding transportation projects that connect people and give them the option to take public transit instead of relying on cars."

California State Assembly



Eric Guerra

“We need to tackle the housing crisis by addressing housing affordability that is driven by the enormous lack of supply and failure to build more housing, including investments in permanent housing, rental assistance, and first-time homebuyer loans. California needs to increase all housing types, including market rate housing.”

CA State Assembly District 14

Tim Grayson

Tim Grayson has been a consistent and clear voice for housing in the California legislature. He has carried several bills to support bringing down the cost of building housing and is a strong advocate for housing.

It’s clear the costs of building new housing in our state are too high. I wrote and passed a law that required a statewide report on fees assessed by counties and cities on those who propose building new housing. Following the first report, it was clear that these fees weren’t just high, they actually prevented many housing projects from moving forward. This year, I worked to propose a package of new laws that would spur new housing production and lower the costs associated with building new housing. I am committed to continuing to reduce the cost of housing development and I have put forward new proposals that ensure cost reduction while maintaining robust environmental and safety protections.
Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 15

Buffy Wicks

Buffy Wicks showed Californians what true grit looks like when she took personal risk during shelter-in-place to show up on the Assembly floor with her newborn and speak up for SB 1120. From her first year in the Assembly, Assemblymember Wicks has led on housing issues, with keen insight on policy details that have an outsized impact on housing. Combined with the courage to move forward on important bills even when they face resistance, Buffy Wicks has become a crucial housing champion in Sacramento. She has authored and co-authored powerful bills on a broad range of housing issues, including a state-wide rental registry, housing element strengthening and important permit streamlining legislation, and dozens more. We need more legislators like Assemblymember Wicks, who see the human cost of our housing crisis, give it the attention it deserves, and fight to build the homes we need at a scale that counts.

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 17

Matt Haney

Assemblymember Matt Haney is delivering on his promise to be a strong pro-housing voice in Sacramento. In his first session as Assemblymember, Matt Haney was co-author of two key bills: AB 2097, removing costly parking minimums from buildings near transit; and AB 2053, introducing social housing to California. Haney has also been a consistent pro-housing vote, including for: AB 2011, legalizing housing in commercial districts; SB 886, streamlining university student housing; and AB 2221, accelerating ADU construction.

Finally, Haney’s provides an unequivocal and vocal support for HCD’s investigations into San Francisco’s violation of state housing laws and the state’s demands that San Francisco produce a credible Housing Element. Although we were disappointed that Haney supported Prop E at the DCCC, overall Haney has had a consistently pro-housing record in the Assembly, and we enthusiastically endorse him for another term.


CA State Assembly District 18

Mia Bonta

Mia Bonta is a consistent vote for housing, focused on the deep need for subsidized affordable housing and strong tenants protections. In her questionnaire, Mia told us:

In general, new housing should be built in traditionally single-family neighborhoods which held exclusionary zoning ordinances that discouraged growth and discriminated against people of color, and near transit hubs as a form of transit-oriented development to address the nexus between the climate crisis and transportation/vehicle miles traveled to and from employment. However, above all else, it is critical that new housing developments not fuel displacement and gentrification.
Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY


Phil Ting

Assemblymember Phil Ting has been a supporter of pro-housing policies in the Assembly for years. As a co-author on the groundbreaking SB 50 and a champion of ADUs, Ting has been ready to take hard votes in support of building more homes. His steady support for policy change, while representing a district that has historically fought housing production, is notable.

Endorsing chapters
  • San Francisco YIMBY
  • Peninsula for Everyone
  • Northern Neighbors
  • Grow the Richmond

CA State Assembly District 20

Shawn Kumagai

Shawn Kumagai will bring a strong pro-housing voice to Sacramento. His substantive policy chops are matched with a passion for building housing for all, which will make him an exceptional leader on housing in the State Legislature.

“We need more homes in communities across California. We need an all-of-the-above strategy, including permanant supportive housing for previously unhoused or at-risk individuals, affordable by design, middle income rental units and more. Every community needs to step up to build the inclusive future we want for California.”
Endorsing chapters
  • Evolve Tri-Valley
  • East Bay YIMBY


Giselle Hale

Redwood City Mayor Giselle Hale has not just laid out a strong YIMBY vision, but has also championed policies and action to create more housing opportunities in her own backyard. When asked if she was a YIMBY, during Peninsula For Everyone’s Assembly District 21 debate, Mayor Hale was quoted as saying, “I’m a card carrying member because I believe we can reverse this situation.”

Her leadership in prioritizing housing policy and regional transportation include supporting safe parking programs, approving a significant amount of market-rate and affordable homes, supporting several Project Homekey proposals in Redwood City, supporting Seamless Transit and more.

When it comes to protecting tenants, Mayor Hale supports a statewide rental registry and strengthening AB 1482 (statewide rent stabilization). Her support of California State legislation like SB50, SB9 and SB35, as a local elected official, has shown that she views the housing crisis as a systemic issue beyond just the borders of Redwood City. Finally, support of future reforms of CEQA, repealing Article 34 make Giselle the strongest choice for AD21.

Endorsing chapters
  • Peninsula for Everyone

California State Assembly District 23

Marc Berman

Marc Berman is a proud, full-throated supporter of landmark housing legislation to end exclusionary zoning. With roots in Palo Alto, Assemblymember Berman understands that it is not sustainable for communities to keep saying ‘no’ to new housing as the housing crisis continues. Assemblymember Berman believes in supporting cities to build the homes their communities so desperately need.

Assemblymember Berman has supported and co-authored bills that generate new funding for affordable housing, that streamline the approval process of certain urban infill projects, and that set baseline standards for zoning. With his in-depth technical expertise and legislative skill, Assemblymember Berman is helping the state make huge strides in ending the housing crisis.

Endorsing chapters
  • Peninsula for Everyone
  • South Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 24

Alex Lee

Alex Lee is one of only two renters serving in the California State Assembly, and his commitment to advocating for those most damaged by the housing shortage is second to none. As a strong supporter of every major pro-housing bill, every major push for tenant protections, and every effort to increase funding for affordable housing, Assemblymember Lee has been a steadfast housing champion.

Alex has supported upzoning bills like SB 50 and SB 9, while also authoring legislation to enable Social Housing and fighting to curb Ellis Act evictions. Assemblymember Lee is a legislator that truly supports “all of the above” solutions and proves that “both-and” can be more than just rhetoric.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • East Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 25

Ash Kalra

Ash Kalra has been a consistent progressive vote for housing and tenant protections. His strong public support of bills such as SB 9, AB 1401 and co-authoring of SB50 and AB 854 highlight his strong positions on housing. As a member of the Committee on Housing and Community Development, Ash Kalra has relentlessly pushed for housing. He is more than willing to publicly call out local governments who operate with bad faith housing actions as examples of why strong state action is a required part of the solution for our housing crisis.

As a strong champion of justice, equity & progressive policies, YIMBY Action values Ash Karla’s well versed intersectional views of housing in relation to public health outcomes, transportation, racial justice, climate change and more. His championing of resources for the unhoused population highlights how he goes above and beyond to center those most affected by our housing crisis.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 26

Evan Low

Evan Low has tremendously flexed his housing muscles by supporting SB 50, SB9, SB10, AB 1401 and virtually every housing bill that has come his way in the past several years. His solid voting record, and partnership with local housing organizations in his district—such as Cupertino for All–demonstrates a willingness to be a champion, despite representing a district that includes the traditionally housing-adverse communities of Cupertino, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Willow Glen, and Campbell.

YIMBYs should work to elect more legislators like Evan–those willing to take risks, while also having difficult, culturally-sensitive conversations with their constituents.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 28

Gail Pellerin

Gail Pellerin is new to housing, but is fired up about building an inclusive California with housing for all. Gail has cited tackling our housing shortage as a top legislative priority. She is committed to finding policy solutions to create more housing for the middle class, increase funding for low-income and supportive housing, and improve public transit and active transportation infrastructure to make our cities more climate friendly.

“The good news for the pro-housing movement is that the tide is turning. People are realizing that the fabric of our community is determined by housing. If we want to support the teachers, the people who work in our community, we need to make serious policy changes and build more homes.”
Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 29

Robert Rivas

Assemblymember Robert Rivas is a true housing champion in the legislature. He has sponsored numerous YIMBY Action priority bills including SB 9 and SB 50 and has advanced other bills related to zoning reform, permit streamlining, and increasing funding for affordable housing. He is deeply committed to safe, affordable housing for all of his constituents from middle class families to farmworkers.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY

California State Pro-Housing Voter Guide

Jon Wizard

Jon Wizard reflects the YIMBY values of pragmatic action, vision and optimism. Because of his unique experience as both City Councilmember in Seaside and policy director for the Campaign for Fair Housing Elements, Wizard understands housing policymaking at both the local and state levels. He is engaged in the wheels and cogs of the legislature and will be able to connect with the right leaders to work towards housing abundance on day one. Wizard understands the role of housing policy in tackling issues facing the Central Coast including inequality, climate change, and homelessness. He believes that our best days as a state are ahead of us, and the fastest way to make those days a reality is to enact the change we can achieve today.

Endorsing chapters
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY


Laura Friedman

Assemblymember Friedman understands the nexus between housing, transportation and climate policy. She has authored bills to fund public transportation and create safe streets for pedestrians and bicyclists. We’re especially grateful for her strong leadership on removing environmentally harmful parking mandates, which drive up the cost of housing.



Christy Holstege

“The more housing that is built – at both affordable and market rates – the more people we will be able to get on a path toward long term housing stability and home ownership. Furthermore, it is vitally important that we center our new developments around transit corridors, especially areas that are easily accessed by public transportation.”


Rick Chavez Zbur

From our partners at Abundant Housing LA:

With deep experience in local and statewide issues, a track record in shaping and passing public policy, a reputation as a leader and advocate on social equity, and valuable relationships in Sacramento and across the state, Rick is well-positioned to be a skilled and effective legislator. He will fight for housing and economic justice and will be a force for change, working to solve our housing and homelessness crises.



Tina McKinnor



Sharon Quirk-Silva

From her years as a public school teacher, Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva has seen the impacts of housing instability and homelessness on kids and families. As the parent of young adults, she knows the challenge of launching them into independence when there is no affordable place for young professionals just starting out. These experiences have made Sharon Quirk-Silva a true champion for housing! She states:

I’m proud of my voting record to create more housing, while acknowledging much more needs to be done. We need a variety of different types of housing, to serve the needs of California’s different families, and different solutions to create them. Addressing California’s statewide housing crises is simply too important to do anything less.

Want to vote on our endorsements?

Official members are eligible to vote in our endorsements process, influencing the positions we take during elections.