Blog Letter of Support For California Assembly Bill 1657

May 31, 2024

AB 1657 Updated Signers 6-12

These are the organizations signing on to the following Letter of Support for AB 1657.

The Honorable Governor Gavin Newsom Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814

Senate President Pro Tempore Mike McGuire 1021 O Street, Ste. 8610
Sacramento, CA 95814

Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas 1021 O Street, Ste. 8330 Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Support for Assembly Bill 1657

Dear Governor Newsom, Pro Tem McGuire, and Speaker Rivas,

We are pleased to support AB 1657 by Appropriations Chair Buffy Wicks, the Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2024. This bill would place a $10 billion bond on the November 2024 ballot to fund the state’s affordable housing programs, including affordable rental housing for lower-income families, homeownership opportunities, and supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness.

We need to fund affordable housing because we want to reduce poverty, end homelessness, eliminate racial segregation, create jobs, and stop climate change.

AB 1657 authorizes $10 billion in general obligation bond funds to support the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of affordable housing and permanent supportive housing. The bond will result in almost 30,000 new homes affordable to very-low income, extremely-low income and homeless families, including set asides for farmworker and tribal housing. It will also preserve and/or rehabilitate nearly 100,000 new homes. And it will assist over 13,000 families to become homeowners. Collectively, these projects will result in tens of thousands of high-paying construction jobs.

The Affordable Housing Bond of 2024 is a smart investment. Every $1 spent by the state is matched by $4 from federal tax credits, local grants, and rent payments from the residents. This includes billions of dollars in federal tax credits that the state will leave on the table if we do not contribute our own share.

Finally, the Affordable Housing Bond of 2024 is fiscally prudent. The bond has no impact on the 2024-25 budget. The state would not issue bonds until 2026 at the earliest. For these reasons, we stand together in support of AB 1657.


Laura Foote

YIMBY Action, Executive Director

Marty Estrada

Community Agency for Resources, Advocacy and Services (CARAS), Director of Community Development

Jen Klose

Generation Housing, Executive Director

Regina Celestin Williams

SV@Home Action Fund, Executive Director

Tahra Goraya

Monetary Bay Economic Partnership, President and CEO

Zack Deutsch-Gross

TransForm, Policy Director

Elizabeth Hansburg

People for Housing Orange County, Executive Director

Saúl Ramos & Victor Vasquez

SOMOS Mayfair, Co-Executive Directors

Lindsay Haddix

East Bay Housing Organizations, Executive Director

Miriam Yupanqui

Nuestra Casa de East Palo Alto, Executive Director

Evvy Stivers

Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County, Executive Director

Lauren Weston

Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet, Executive Director

Jennifer Hark Dietz

PATH, Chief Executive Officer

John Avalos

Council of Community Housing Organizations, Executive Director

Kelly Batson

United Way Bay Area, Interim Chief Executive Officer

David Low

Destination Home, Senior Director of Policy & Communications

Mahdi Manji,

Inner City Law Center, Director of Public Policy

Shanti Singh

Tenants Together, Legislative & Communications Director

Michelle Pariset

Public Advocates, Director of Legislative Affairs

Igor Tregub

Alameda County Democratic Party, Chair

Darris Young

Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative

Eddie Carmona

PICO CA, Campaigns Director

Michael Lane

SPUR, State Policy Director

Maddie Ribble
The Children’s Partnership, Interim Vice President for Policy

Isabel Storey
VP, Legislation, Santa Monica Democratic Club

Leah Pressman

Chair, Legislation, Culver City Democratic Club

Megan Abell

Senior Director of Advocacy, TechEquity Action

Esther Malkin

Monterey County Renters United, Founder

Francisco Dueñas

Executive Director, Housing Now!

Dinora Reyna-Gutierrez

Executive Director, San Diego Organizing Project

Corey Smith

Executive Director, Housing Action Coalition

Saa’un Bell

Senior Associate Director, Power CA Action

Tommy Newman
Vice President of Public Affairs & Activation, United Way of Greater Los Angeles

Devon Gray

President, End Poverty in California

Dennise Jauregui

Executive Director, Housing Choices

Mary McGuire

Chief Impact Officer, Safe Place for Youth

Elizabeth Wampler

Interim Executive Director, LISC Bay Area

Beth Stokes

Executive Director, Episcopal Community Services